What is disclosure?

In simple terms, disclosure refers to the process in which the Crown, or prosecution, shares evidence and information with the defence during a criminal case. The evidence and information disclosed may include witness statements, expert reports, surveillance videos, or any other material relevant to the case. This transparent exchange ensures that the defence is aware [ … ]

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What is the legal meaning of “drug paraphernalia”?

While marijuana is legal for recreational use in Canada, possessing drug paraphernalia related to illegal substances is still subject to legal scrutiny. Therefore, understanding the scope of drug paraphernalia and its possible consequences remains crucial, even after marijuana’s legalization. Defining drug paraphernalia Drug paraphernalia refers to a wide range of items, devices, equipment, or materials [ … ]

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What does “on a balance of probabilities” mean?

“On a balance of probabilities” is a standard of proof requiring the party making a claim to establish that their claim is more likely true than not. In other words, they must show that their version has a greater than 50% chance of being accurate. This standard is less stringent than “beyond a reasonable doubt” [ … ]

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What are felonies and misdemeanours Canada?

If you watch American legal or crime dramas, you may have wondered what felonies and misdemeanours are. The legal system operates differently in Canada from the United States. Whether you find yourself facing criminal charges or are simply curious about the Canadian legal landscape, it’s essential to understand how crimes are classified. In Canada, the [ … ]

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How long can the police keep seized property?

When the police seize property as evidence in a criminal case, they can only keep it for as long as necessary for the investigation and legal proceedings. If the officer in charge believes that the property needs to be held, they must bring it before a judge within three months. The Crown must then explain [ … ]

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Is MDMA/molly/ecstasy legal in Canada?

In Canada, MDMA, also known as molly and ecstasy, is classified as a Schedule III substance under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. This means that it is illegal to possess, produce, traffic, import, or export MDMA. These activities are criminal offenses and can result in serious legal consequences if convicted. The penalties for LSD-related [ … ]

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Is LSD legal in Canada?

In Canada, LSD is classified as a Schedule III substance under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. This means that it is illegal to possess, produce, traffic, import, or export LSD. These activities are criminal offenses and can result in serious legal consequences if convicted. The penalties for LSD-related offenses can vary depending on the [ … ]

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Is cocaine legal in Canada?

In Canada, cocaine is classified as a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. This means that it is illegal to possess, produce, traffic, import, or export cocaine in Canada. These activities are criminal offences and can result in serious legal consequences if convicted. The penalties for cocaine-related offences vary depending on [ … ]

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Are steroids legal in Canada?

In Canada, steroids, including anabolic steroids, are classified as Schedule IV substances under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA). While possessing steroids for personal use is not explicitly illegal under the CDSA, it is illegal to traffic, produce, import, or export steroids without proper authorization. Obtaining steroids without a prescription or from unauthorized sources [ … ]

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